• You need to be logged in


This is the login page for all your approval applications for events, courses, programs, special services, products and more. Once you are logged into your account, you will see your approval status and application history. Once you receive an approval reading, you are emailed the results and next steps.

Important Information for You to Get Started:

Option 1. If you have used this system before, you may use your existing email address associated with your previous account with us. You will be required to reset your password once, the first time you use our revived system. Click the “Reset Password” button below. Thank you.

Option 2. If you have not used this system before, and this is your first time, welcome! You will need to use the email associated with your MasterSha.Store account. Simply enter your account email below and click the “Reset Password” button to gain access. Thank you.

Option 3. If you do not have a MasterSha.Store account yet, and this is your first time with us, welcome! Please create your store account first (click here) and then return to this page to log in by following option #2 instructions.

If you have any questions or would like assistance, please connect with our Global Customer Care Team by calling 1-888-339-6815, jumping on a live chat or sending us an email through our Help Centre website by submitting a request in the top right corner. You may just find the answers you are looking for in one of our Help Centre articles.


 Reset Password